Watched some of that dem debate last night on CNN. It was lovely. Lots of jabs . . . and lots of Obama looking like an amateur. Not that I think the daily job of the President is to be able to quickly respond to jabs off the cuff. But it's fun seeing candidates get flustered, something Obama usually avoids during his campaign revival speeches. Huckabee might be the former Baptist preacher, but Obama is the healer that speaks in tongues that the youth of America seem to understand.
Al Gore tried to tap into a similar language with his save the planet concerts. Lots and lots of energetic rock stars motivated us to save ourselves by saving energy. Or at least that was the goal. As we speak, my closet light is on, my kitchen light is on, my lamp is on next to my bed, I'm using an LCD tv as a wonderfully large computer monitor, and I have my speakers blaring some dance radio channel that is streaming on iTunes. So really the only thing Al Gore achieved in this house is a few Tivo'd viewings of Madonna's appearance at his concert. She was awesome . . . especially on an energy hogging HD tv.
When I watch Obama's speeches, I get the same feeling as I did while watching Al Gore's concerts. Yay! We can change the world! Superfun! The world is one big commune! Hold me! Perhaps Obama will be a bit more successful in following thru with his big vague crusade, because if he wins the presidency, he actually has some responsibilities to complete upon winning. Once Al Gore won the Nobel Prize and the Oscar, he just went back to his mansion in Tennessee to write his memoir, now complete with the public redemption he needs to make it a best seller.
Maybe I should compare Obama to someone still in the political arena, a recent Democrat elected to fulfill the promise of bringing about a tidal wave of change: Nancy Pelosi. If you don't remember, the People voted for change in the last round of elections . . . it is not a new mantra. In return, the People received a Democratic congress, new congressional drapes, an increase in the frequency of congressional meetings to plan other congressional meetings, and a decrease in the blinks per minute by the Speaker of the House. Sure, there are plenty of excuses for why that round of change didn't happen as planned. Sure, Nancy ain't no president. I'm just saying . . . past is prologue.
Remember when Bush #1 wasn't going to raise taxes? (1998) Remember when Clinton wasn't going to throw gays under the bus? (1992) Remember when Clinton did not have sex with that woman? (ok, so that's not a campaign promise, but I had to throw it in) Remember when Bush was going to unite everyone in Washington? (2000) Remember when Bush was going to do away with gay marriage forever? (2004) Remember when Obama was going to make change? (2008)
Perhaps it is the realistic bent I have when it comes to politics, but I appreciate forward-looking optimism tempered with honest assessment. An elevated heartrate as our future is painted like a hippie's VW bus? I'll pass.
Al Gore tried to tap into a similar language with his save the planet concerts. Lots and lots of energetic rock stars motivated us to save ourselves by saving energy. Or at least that was the goal. As we speak, my closet light is on, my kitchen light is on, my lamp is on next to my bed, I'm using an LCD tv as a wonderfully large computer monitor, and I have my speakers blaring some dance radio channel that is streaming on iTunes. So really the only thing Al Gore achieved in this house is a few Tivo'd viewings of Madonna's appearance at his concert. She was awesome . . . especially on an energy hogging HD tv.
When I watch Obama's speeches, I get the same feeling as I did while watching Al Gore's concerts. Yay! We can change the world! Superfun! The world is one big commune! Hold me! Perhaps Obama will be a bit more successful in following thru with his big vague crusade, because if he wins the presidency, he actually has some responsibilities to complete upon winning. Once Al Gore won the Nobel Prize and the Oscar, he just went back to his mansion in Tennessee to write his memoir, now complete with the public redemption he needs to make it a best seller.
Maybe I should compare Obama to someone still in the political arena, a recent Democrat elected to fulfill the promise of bringing about a tidal wave of change: Nancy Pelosi. If you don't remember, the People voted for change in the last round of elections . . . it is not a new mantra. In return, the People received a Democratic congress, new congressional drapes, an increase in the frequency of congressional meetings to plan other congressional meetings, and a decrease in the blinks per minute by the Speaker of the House. Sure, there are plenty of excuses for why that round of change didn't happen as planned. Sure, Nancy ain't no president. I'm just saying . . . past is prologue.
Remember when Bush #1 wasn't going to raise taxes? (1998) Remember when Clinton wasn't going to throw gays under the bus? (1992) Remember when Clinton did not have sex with that woman? (ok, so that's not a campaign promise, but I had to throw it in) Remember when Bush was going to unite everyone in Washington? (2000) Remember when Bush was going to do away with gay marriage forever? (2004) Remember when Obama was going to make change? (2008)
Perhaps it is the realistic bent I have when it comes to politics, but I appreciate forward-looking optimism tempered with honest assessment. An elevated heartrate as our future is painted like a hippie's VW bus? I'll pass.
Labels: Politics and such