This weekend, the local dance club is hosting their yearly Madonnarama. You know, when every song, video, and drag queen is Madonna.
Yup, I'm excited. There will be no Madonnaramadrama. No one is goin' to be bitchin' about the music they are playin', cuz you know exactly what you're gettin' when you're walkin' in.
There will be no Madonnaramaobama either. If there is, it's only because he is trying to steal the hagfag vote away from Hillary, who says that Ray Of Light is her favorite Madonna song. As a politically savvy buddy of mine says, for a candidate to even say they like a Madonna song is toeing the line of decency in a red state. Obama doesn't have the balls to take such a mediocre position on such a non-issue.
Hopefully there will be some Madonnaramadingdong. Last time I was at this dance club, there was some couture of a nature that would be considered questionable outside the dark and dancey environs of the club. Considering such events bring out the crazy in everyone, and with the current album's Sticky & Sweet tour theme, you know some cracked out 20 year old is going to show up in his briefs, bedazzled with Skittles, his candy-striped dong occasionally flopping out for all to see.
Hopefully there will be some Madonnaramasingalong. The benefit of a loud dance floor is that you can sing along as you dance and no one gives a damn. And when the song is a real fave of everyone, the entire place becomes a jumping karaoke-fest. It's bliss, as long as my Ketel One doesn't get spilled.
Madonnaramachugalug: what you do just before you leave for a club to save some Mdolla's.
Madonnaramagropeadope: what is done to you by some random on the dance floor after you've had one too many drinks.
Madonnaramasleepovah: what you have if you get lucky.
Madonnaramaaspirin: what you take in the morning to get rid of your . . . wait for it . . .