Thursday, August 17, 2006

So You Think You Can Make Me Hurl?

"So You Think You Can Dance" ended last night with a spastic fruit on stage.

Recap: Benji and Travis were the top two dancers on the show. Benji won. Benji began to cry/sob/contort his face into the most wretched thing ever. He already has a smile with a bit too much gum. But when he cries, his entire head turns into a prune . . . that shakes and shudders uncontrollably. Absolutely disgusting. It's hard to be happy for a winner when you are fighting off the urge to blow chunks.

Later in the evening, Project Runway put its ratings ahead of its credibility. Let's face it, the queen of the Oklahoma desert made the worst thing on the Runway. Sure, his garment had a waist. Big deal . . . up till now no one got any extra credit for having a waist. But Michael Kors will find some way to keep his cuties around. Then there was Vincent's sculpture-dress. Heidi did not mince words when she called Vincent insane. So why wasn't this creation finally Vincent's ticket home? Architect Laura answered that question for us immediately after the runway when she and Vincent got in an argument. Good tv needs bad designers. As a result, a good designer got sent home last night because she offered the show little more than professionalism, style, and grace. Her design was bad, but so were the other two. It's like affirmative action for crazy people . . . all things being equal, the crazy people get to stay on the show.

And do we have a little love triangle forming between Nina Garcia, Michael Kors, and designer Michael? Right now, Michael is still likeable. Let's hope he doesn't turn into the male Kara Saun from seasons past.



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