Thursday, August 03, 2006


Just some observations:

Being a good person makes you are a shitty driver.

Some evangelical christian will find a way to blame the Jews for ruining Mel Gibson's "gospel" of a career.

Hurricane Chris is coming! Oh wait, it weakened again. So is that predicted killer hurricane season going to happen, or is it just a convenient lie to suit Al Gore's political agenda?

I bet Anderson Cooper's boyfriend has a really big life insurance policy on Anderson's head. Everyday he's reporting from a warzone, from inside a hurricane, from up his own ass . . . perilous . . . and stale.

Hint to next season's contestants: hit the Jenny Craig. Heavy girls are 0 for 2 in the last two Project Runway episodes.

Power is knowing that turning on your dishwasher in the middle of the day could cause a blackout.

Causing a blackout by turning on your dishwasher in the middle of the day is as close to third world country status as I want to get. Build some fucking powerplants already!

Bloodsicles: what some poor intern had to whip up for the lions at a zoo, to help them cope with the heat. Do lions not drink water?

Staying hydrated has become a religion to some people. They practice it, they preach it, they berate you if they think you aren't downing glass after glass of the stuff. And it must be pure water, not tainted by caffeine or artificial sweeteners, because beverages containing 99% water just don't count. It's amazing our ancestors survived by having a drink of dirty water when they were thirsty.



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