The middle east conflict is starting to annoy me, in the same way a long movie annoys me when I have to take a piss. Here’s how to end this never ending drama known as the Star of David versus the 77 virgins:
Force someone to win. A “v”, “VS”, or the long hand VERSUS stuck between two entities does not mean a perpetual stalemate. There are few exceptions to this (see the MLB All-Star game as ruined by Bud Selig). The middle east needs to be recognized as being one match that has gone on way too long, and it’s time to take penalty kicks so that we can turn it off.
Peace is the result of a clear winner establishing themselves as such. Unfortunately for the mideast, no clear winner has been established. And the result is the continual bleeding of each side for no reason, no benefit, no advancement of peace; instead people die on such a regular basis we only notice when the number spikes or when Americans' vacations are interrupted.
Soledad O’Brien, co-anchor of CNN’s American Morning, brought up the anthem of the idiots yet again: “If Israel isn't careful not to hurt civilians in Lebanon, it will cause more hatred and anger and therefore cause more terrorism.” Someone needs to remind her that she does not channel the spirit of Solomon every time she opens her mouth. If Soledad had actually done the math, civilian casualties will create less terrorism because a dead civilian cannot be a terrorist. Furthermore, Soledad forgot what the entire hippie generation taught us: it is a lot easier to be steadfast in your dogma when you don’t have to worry about the basics in life. A hippie with a tshirt, a VW van, a joint, and Mom and Dad’s bank account will preach against the man, the jobs he offers, and the possessions his jobs may afford. But that same hippie, when penniless, will turn into who many of us call Mom and Dad – people working for the man. Just like the hippie, it is easy to be a radical when the terrorist organization, Hezbollah, is providing your shelter, water, education, and protection.
But what happens when all of it is bombed into oblivion? You get a bunch of “terrorists” thinking that without shelter, water, and protection they better find some fast. There is no more free time to sing the praises of Iran. The focus turns to the more immediate need of survival. Not every Lebanese citizen is a potential terrorist, Soledad. The Hezbollah are not the every-man in Lebanon. Lebanese citizens are not irrational people. Nor are they a Hezbollah commercial away from shooting roman candles at Israelis. If they aren’t a terrorist now, I’m thinking they aren’t going to be any time soon. It’s the crazies here at home that we should be worried about. The people that have shelter, food, water, and education are the people who have time to ingest what Soledad reports and reach conclusions based on her skewed perspective. Civilians haven't died in Lebanon due to the carelessness of Israel. They died because Hezbollah operated among them. Get it right, Soledad.
To prevent such a perspective from taking root, let’s allow a clear winner to emerge in this conflict and bring about peace the old reliable way. We in the United States are all too aware of how we obtained our peaceful 50 states. Our leaders fought and killed and fought and killed until there was no one left to fight and kill us. Today we take our peaceful land for granted, while out of the other side of our mouths lamenting the oppression we rained upon others in the pursuit of this land. While there were times our nation’s massacre of countless individuals was unnecessary to win a battle or a war, had the United States not established itself as the clear victor, we would have the same backyard terrorism as Israel does today. Lucky for us, the international community didn’t care what we were doing in our backyard.
So why tie Israel’s hands? Has anyone considered letting the diplomatic methods of the past, all failures, stay in the past? Instead of seeing the entire history of the United States as an embarrassment, perhaps we should see it as an overall model of what it takes to solidify a region in peace. Let’s allow Israel to fight Hezbollah until there is no more Hezbollah. And if Iran officially gets involved, let’s allow nuclear capable Israel to fight it out with not-yet-nuclear Iran. We’ll have Soledad O’Brien to make sure that once one side has officially won, there will be no unnecessary massacres . . . but if there are I am sure she will give us all a front row seat, and then blame us for it somehow.
Enough with playing chicken. Meet out on the playground and finally settle who rules the sandbox. No referees calling fouls. My bet is that one side will eventually blink. And the peace we’ve all been looking for will have been found, instead of just being talked about over and over and over again.
Labels: Politics and such